Doctor is someone who helps someone else. What’s wrong with death? Death is not the enemy. If we’re gonna fight the diseases, lets fight with one of our most terrible diseases of all: indifference. A doctor’s mission should be not just to prevent from death, but also to improve the quality of life. 虽然不喜欢输赢黑白的设定但是不管做什么学什么首先还得学做人oh里面还学到了一首诗挺好~
painfully awkward to watch...但是画风和另一部《杨贵妃醉酒》保持一致 很喜欢 赛德尔的原创性和对少数群体角色的挖掘还是很原创 虽然有一点猎奇 但还是值得一看